anything about nature adventure, travel, IT and financial peace of mind more... i guess.:)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
9 Ways To See The Bright Side Of Bad Situations

If asked, would you categorize all situations as good situations? Would you classify them all as bad situations? This could determine whether you look at the positive side or negative side of things. It could identify you as an optimist or a pessimist.
I hope you consider yourself an optimistic person, because getting into the habit of looking at the positive side of things could prove effective and advocate getting you out of trouble sometimes. Optimism is an underestimated, powerful handy tool that can be pulled out of your pocket whenever you feel vulnerable to a certain situation or perhaps feel like something uncomfortable or distressing happened or is happening. It is a master key needed to open a lot of life’s doors that cannot be opened otherwise.
Get a complimentary audio lesson from our "Whispers of Joy" program.
First lesson is called "The Power Of Your Smile" and it's really worth it!
Optimism can be such a game changer and can help make you more hopeful and confident about the future. This yields happiness, which yields a whole other array of benefits. We all know how important happiness and positivity are. They are such a blessing to have these two traits.

We need to face the fact that negative situations happen a lot in life. They are unavoidable, but we can find a way to confront these negative effects. So, how can we counteract these bad effects on our lives and attitudes? Positive thinking is filled with this power that can help us get through tragic instances. Learning how to stay positive in unpleasing situations is priceless and adds value to your lifestyle. It is your choice to be positive or negative when it comes to various situations.
With all this work, it is still difficult to resist negative thinking; it is easier said than done. Negative thoughts will get you pain and so we need to learn to ignore and find a solution. One more strategy we could do to avoid falling prey to negativity is to look for solutions for the root of the problem instead of thinking about the problem and what caused it.
Does your man REALLY love you? Click Here To Find Out The 7 Simple Questions That Prove How He REALLY Feels About You!
Do not focus on the problem itself, because it will drain your energy and keep you from dreaming further and achieving. Make sure you think of the solution instead and that way your mind may be diverted to something more positive; the thought of coming out of the hole. Remember that a small negative thought could end up creating a large hole that is difficult to climb out of.
Here are 9 tips to help you see the bright side of bad situations:
1. Create A Support Group
Did you ever think of creating a support group? A group that will help you overcome bad situations. If you have not thought about it yet, maybe now is the time to start thinking about it. It is important to have a group that can help you through unpleasing and difficult situations. Not any group though, you need a “positive” group, because surrounding yourself with people that are positive will advocate that you stay positive in negative conditions.

Avoid negative people. People that have negative attitudes will only bring you down and push you further into your bad situation. Instead, stick with a positive group; a group that will remind you of the positive things in your life and help you look at the positive side of things in life and your situation in more specific.
2. Train Your Mind
Do you spend enough time training your brain to think positively, especially in situations that do not seem or look positive? Do you continue causing a bad impact on your mental health by constantly beating up yourself? We have all been there. Whether it is the tension and stress of work, bills, or disagreements, negativity is something present in life and is very hard to remove.
Training your mind is a very good exercise to do in order to better your life and see the positive side of bad situations. Stop beating yourself up and make sure you feed yourself with positive thoughts. Think of this. The more you are negative and exert that energy, the more this becomes part of you and the more the negativity grows within you. A very good analogy of this is a snowball. A snowball keeps on growing as it rolls down.
However, if you practice to utilize the strength of positive thoughts and implement it in your daily life whenever a negative thought comes to existence, it will benefit you big time. Eventually, this will be the default way of thinking and you will start to unconsciously think positively of all the situations you engage in.
Think of this as exercising, improving your health. We do this usually for our body, but have you ever tried exercising your brain? Instead of training your body start training your mind through doing some yoga, practice focusing as these all will help in developing your mind and helps you neutralize the effects of negative situations.
3. Accept Changes
Are we a believer of changes? Do you believe things can change in life? We usually have an idea or realize that there are changes happening in life but are resilient to them. Do you feel this way? We need to learn to accept our lives, the changes that will happen, and be convinced that there are changes that are going to happen.
Have you heard of the saying: “The only constant in life is change”? Accepting the changes we go through as part of our lives, whether good or bad is a key to advance. It is a key to see the positives and discard the negatives. It helps us accept our situations a bit more and be more comfortable when we embrace changes in our lives.
Let us say you are in a job that you do not really like. Would you go to your job every day with a good attitude or a bad one? You need to accept the situation and try to make it better, more interesting, and get something out of it. That does not mean that you do not look for a new job you are interested in, in the meantime. Once your brain is accustomed to thinking of situations in a positive fashion, even when a serious tragedy happens you will have the ability to deal with such scenarios in a good way.
4. Help Others
Are you the kind of person that likes to help others get out of their issues and situations or not? So you think this could help with your problems? Of course it could. Helping others out, whether friends or not, could actually take your attention away from your problems and negative situations and translate them into positivity and comfort. Helping others just provides this sense of achievement and fullness that you cannot get otherwise.
This could be as simple as giving someone a piece of advice he needs. This advice could help this person be less stressed, try new things, or help him with something more radical as saving him from a tragic aftermath.
5. Remember That No One Is Perfect
Do you not agree that there is no one that is perfect? Life is just a perception, but is not real. Do you live and fill your time thinking of your mistakes, why you got into them, and the effect they had on your day or week?
Stop dwelling on these thoughts, because whether we like it or not, nothing is perfect. We can try to make ourselves that, but life will prove to us that nothing is perfect through the different situations. If life was perfect, we would have not had any bad situations and would always be succeeding.
However, this would not allow us to learn from our mistakes and life’s cycle would not work. Remember that we need to learn from our mistakes and move forward rather than getting caught up in the mistake.
6. Be Grateful
How many of us actually take the time off to think of all what we have and be grateful for that? How many of us think of the blessings we have rather than think of things we do not have? When it comes to materialistic life, look at people who are less fortunate instead of looking at those with more money, faster cars, and that seem wealthy.
Believe that there is no better thing than to realize your blessings. The remind you to be humble and down to earth, and not whine about any of the simple things. This could be a good way to see the positive side of bad situations.
Not focusing on the bad part of a condition definitely pays off. Honestly, nowadays we just complain about anything. Let us say we are going to work. We complain that “Oh no, I do not have a car”. Well, a car can definitely make commute easier, but think of less fortunate people. Think of someone who does not have a job; a homeless person, a disabled person, or an unemployed person. Are you not in a much better situation and have a fixed income? Yes, it might not be the best income ever, but it sure is still an income.
We need to really learn that we are truly blessed, no matter what our situation is. This is just the nature of humans, but it is saddening to see people whine about something and then once it is gone, they realize that it was indeed a blessing. Stay positive and continue looking at the full half of the cup.
7. Seek Help
Are you someone that is not afraid or embarrassed of admitting the fact that you need help with something? It is definitely something we should not be let down by, even though some people like to be independent and just do everything on their own. However, the matter of the fact is that life is not easy and we will find ourselves in bad situations sometimes.
Thus, we need to accept the help if we need it to get us to a better place. We sometimes need someone to lend us a piece of their experience and how they dealt with certain situations, in an attempt to help you achieve more and look at the positive side of things.
This is something that true friends usually do for each other because they feel really bad and saddened when they see a friend trapped in a draining experience or situation. All they try to do is help you emotionally, physically, and mentally. Also, just as you receive, remember to give.
8. Have Control Over Your Response
Did you know that there is a golden rule when it comes to extracting the positivity out of a non-satisfying situation? Controlling your response is very important in all situations and more important in bad ones. Remember to always breathe in and out counting to 10 to calm yourself down.
Feel free to experiment with other methods too to find whatever works for you the best in removing the negativity from within. Calming yourself down could help you think clearly and not have a lot going on in your head, thus making better choices and decisions. Responding out of emotion rather than logical and critical thinking could cause the situation to become even worse.
9. Learn From Negativity
Learning from negativity could help make you look at the alternative, namely – positivity. What I mean by this is learning from bad situations where you acted off, looked and focused on the negativity only. Consider the negative situation a chance or opportunity to grow personally. Identify the stimulants of this situation and make sure and watch out for them in the future. This along with some training could help you take control of situations in the future.
Just as we saw throughout this article, there are various ways to locate the positives and good things in bad situations. If you fall in the hole once, make sure you learn not to come close to the hole again, risking that you fall in again. It is the same thing here. Get away from the triggers of unpleasant scenarios.
Remember that we all have our good and bad moments in life and that you are not alone in this world. Seek help and implement whatever solution works for you best. Also stay optimistic, motivated, and positive. Do not let anything get to you.
Now it’s your turn… What helps you see the bright side of things? Tell us below.

If asked, would you categorize all situations as good situations? Would you classify them all as bad situations? This could determine whether you look at the positive side or negative side of things. It could identify you as an optimist or a pessimist.
I hope you consider yourself an optimistic person, because getting into the habit of looking at the positive side of things could prove effective and advocate getting you out of trouble sometimes. Optimism is an underestimated, powerful handy tool that can be pulled out of your pocket whenever you feel vulnerable to a certain situation or perhaps feel like something uncomfortable or distressing happened or is happening. It is a master key needed to open a lot of life’s doors that cannot be opened otherwise.
Get a complimentary audio lesson from our "Whispers of Joy" program.
First lesson is called "The Power Of Your Smile" and it's really worth it!
Optimism can be such a game changer and can help make you more hopeful and confident about the future. This yields happiness, which yields a whole other array of benefits. We all know how important happiness and positivity are. They are such a blessing to have these two traits.

We need to face the fact that negative situations happen a lot in life. They are unavoidable, but we can find a way to confront these negative effects. So, how can we counteract these bad effects on our lives and attitudes? Positive thinking is filled with this power that can help us get through tragic instances. Learning how to stay positive in unpleasing situations is priceless and adds value to your lifestyle. It is your choice to be positive or negative when it comes to various situations.
With all this work, it is still difficult to resist negative thinking; it is easier said than done. Negative thoughts will get you pain and so we need to learn to ignore and find a solution. One more strategy we could do to avoid falling prey to negativity is to look for solutions for the root of the problem instead of thinking about the problem and what caused it.
Does your man REALLY love you? Click Here To Find Out The 7 Simple Questions That Prove How He REALLY Feels About You!
Do not focus on the problem itself, because it will drain your energy and keep you from dreaming further and achieving. Make sure you think of the solution instead and that way your mind may be diverted to something more positive; the thought of coming out of the hole. Remember that a small negative thought could end up creating a large hole that is difficult to climb out of.
Here are 9 tips to help you see the bright side of bad situations:
1. Create A Support Group
Did you ever think of creating a support group? A group that will help you overcome bad situations. If you have not thought about it yet, maybe now is the time to start thinking about it. It is important to have a group that can help you through unpleasing and difficult situations. Not any group though, you need a “positive” group, because surrounding yourself with people that are positive will advocate that you stay positive in negative conditions.

Avoid negative people. People that have negative attitudes will only bring you down and push you further into your bad situation. Instead, stick with a positive group; a group that will remind you of the positive things in your life and help you look at the positive side of things in life and your situation in more specific.
2. Train Your Mind
Do you spend enough time training your brain to think positively, especially in situations that do not seem or look positive? Do you continue causing a bad impact on your mental health by constantly beating up yourself? We have all been there. Whether it is the tension and stress of work, bills, or disagreements, negativity is something present in life and is very hard to remove.
Training your mind is a very good exercise to do in order to better your life and see the positive side of bad situations. Stop beating yourself up and make sure you feed yourself with positive thoughts. Think of this. The more you are negative and exert that energy, the more this becomes part of you and the more the negativity grows within you. A very good analogy of this is a snowball. A snowball keeps on growing as it rolls down.
However, if you practice to utilize the strength of positive thoughts and implement it in your daily life whenever a negative thought comes to existence, it will benefit you big time. Eventually, this will be the default way of thinking and you will start to unconsciously think positively of all the situations you engage in.
Think of this as exercising, improving your health. We do this usually for our body, but have you ever tried exercising your brain? Instead of training your body start training your mind through doing some yoga, practice focusing as these all will help in developing your mind and helps you neutralize the effects of negative situations.
3. Accept Changes
Are we a believer of changes? Do you believe things can change in life? We usually have an idea or realize that there are changes happening in life but are resilient to them. Do you feel this way? We need to learn to accept our lives, the changes that will happen, and be convinced that there are changes that are going to happen.
Have you heard of the saying: “The only constant in life is change”? Accepting the changes we go through as part of our lives, whether good or bad is a key to advance. It is a key to see the positives and discard the negatives. It helps us accept our situations a bit more and be more comfortable when we embrace changes in our lives.
Let us say you are in a job that you do not really like. Would you go to your job every day with a good attitude or a bad one? You need to accept the situation and try to make it better, more interesting, and get something out of it. That does not mean that you do not look for a new job you are interested in, in the meantime. Once your brain is accustomed to thinking of situations in a positive fashion, even when a serious tragedy happens you will have the ability to deal with such scenarios in a good way.
4. Help Others
Are you the kind of person that likes to help others get out of their issues and situations or not? So you think this could help with your problems? Of course it could. Helping others out, whether friends or not, could actually take your attention away from your problems and negative situations and translate them into positivity and comfort. Helping others just provides this sense of achievement and fullness that you cannot get otherwise.
This could be as simple as giving someone a piece of advice he needs. This advice could help this person be less stressed, try new things, or help him with something more radical as saving him from a tragic aftermath.
5. Remember That No One Is Perfect
Do you not agree that there is no one that is perfect? Life is just a perception, but is not real. Do you live and fill your time thinking of your mistakes, why you got into them, and the effect they had on your day or week?
Stop dwelling on these thoughts, because whether we like it or not, nothing is perfect. We can try to make ourselves that, but life will prove to us that nothing is perfect through the different situations. If life was perfect, we would have not had any bad situations and would always be succeeding.
However, this would not allow us to learn from our mistakes and life’s cycle would not work. Remember that we need to learn from our mistakes and move forward rather than getting caught up in the mistake.
6. Be Grateful
How many of us actually take the time off to think of all what we have and be grateful for that? How many of us think of the blessings we have rather than think of things we do not have? When it comes to materialistic life, look at people who are less fortunate instead of looking at those with more money, faster cars, and that seem wealthy.
Believe that there is no better thing than to realize your blessings. The remind you to be humble and down to earth, and not whine about any of the simple things. This could be a good way to see the positive side of bad situations.
Not focusing on the bad part of a condition definitely pays off. Honestly, nowadays we just complain about anything. Let us say we are going to work. We complain that “Oh no, I do not have a car”. Well, a car can definitely make commute easier, but think of less fortunate people. Think of someone who does not have a job; a homeless person, a disabled person, or an unemployed person. Are you not in a much better situation and have a fixed income? Yes, it might not be the best income ever, but it sure is still an income.
We need to really learn that we are truly blessed, no matter what our situation is. This is just the nature of humans, but it is saddening to see people whine about something and then once it is gone, they realize that it was indeed a blessing. Stay positive and continue looking at the full half of the cup.
7. Seek Help
Are you someone that is not afraid or embarrassed of admitting the fact that you need help with something? It is definitely something we should not be let down by, even though some people like to be independent and just do everything on their own. However, the matter of the fact is that life is not easy and we will find ourselves in bad situations sometimes.
Thus, we need to accept the help if we need it to get us to a better place. We sometimes need someone to lend us a piece of their experience and how they dealt with certain situations, in an attempt to help you achieve more and look at the positive side of things.
This is something that true friends usually do for each other because they feel really bad and saddened when they see a friend trapped in a draining experience or situation. All they try to do is help you emotionally, physically, and mentally. Also, just as you receive, remember to give.
8. Have Control Over Your Response
Did you know that there is a golden rule when it comes to extracting the positivity out of a non-satisfying situation? Controlling your response is very important in all situations and more important in bad ones. Remember to always breathe in and out counting to 10 to calm yourself down.
Feel free to experiment with other methods too to find whatever works for you the best in removing the negativity from within. Calming yourself down could help you think clearly and not have a lot going on in your head, thus making better choices and decisions. Responding out of emotion rather than logical and critical thinking could cause the situation to become even worse.
9. Learn From Negativity
Learning from negativity could help make you look at the alternative, namely – positivity. What I mean by this is learning from bad situations where you acted off, looked and focused on the negativity only. Consider the negative situation a chance or opportunity to grow personally. Identify the stimulants of this situation and make sure and watch out for them in the future. This along with some training could help you take control of situations in the future.
Just as we saw throughout this article, there are various ways to locate the positives and good things in bad situations. If you fall in the hole once, make sure you learn not to come close to the hole again, risking that you fall in again. It is the same thing here. Get away from the triggers of unpleasant scenarios.
Remember that we all have our good and bad moments in life and that you are not alone in this world. Seek help and implement whatever solution works for you best. Also stay optimistic, motivated, and positive. Do not let anything get to you.
Now it’s your turn… What helps you see the bright side of things? Tell us below.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
There's something to keep in mind before judging rich people for 'wasting' their money by Trent Hamm The simple dollar
There's something to keep in mind before judging rich people for 'wasting' their money
- Aug. 6, 2015, 5:13 PM
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Julie Zeveloff/Business Insider
One of the biggest struggles I had during my teen and early adult years was feeling jealous of people who had extreme amounts of wealth.
One particular memory that's seared into my mind comes from when I was about 17 years old. I was visiting the factory where my father worked on an open house day and we walked out of a back entrance through a parking lot.
There, in the middle of the lot, stood a gorgeous sports car. It was a bright red Ferrari 348.
I had never actually seen that kind of car up close before. My father was actually kind of wary of even getting very close to it at all, so we kind of stood back and eyeballed it. Then, a few minutes later, someone in a dress shirt came out, got in the car, and drove off.
To put it in perspective, a new Ferrari 348 at the time cost around $120,000, give or take. That was more money than my parents would ever make in a year by a mile.
After seeing that Ferrari fly out of the parking lot, we went over and got in our family car, which at the time was a 1987 Buick LeSabre. My parents had bought it as a used car for about $6,000 after a trade-in.
The stark differences in the cars stuck in my head. I never really wanted a Ferrari, to tell the truth, but it was hard not to see the differences between the two cars.
On the ride home, we talked about how beautiful that Ferrari was and I remember staring out the window for a while, thinking about how unfair things really were. My father picked up on it and he said something that I still remember. To paraphrase, he said, "That car sure was beautiful, but you know what? At the end of the day, it still just drives you home to your family, and this car does the same thing for a lot less money."
My father had a point. That Buick and that Ferrari both do nothing more than take you from one place to another place. They help you get to work and back. They carry you home to your loved ones. You're basically paying 20 times as much just so you can accelerate a little bit faster and have some prettier styling on the car.
Dan Kitwood / Getty Images
When I look back on that experience, I can't help but mentally compare the salaries between the two men.
I don't know exactly what my father made in a year there, but let's say he earned $30,000 in a given year. He had a lot of seniority and had ample opportunity for overtime work, so that's probably a fair number.
He bought that Buick for $6,000 and drove it for about five years, so let's say his cost per year was $1,200 for that car. He made $30,000 that year, so 4% of his salary was devoted to his car.
Now, what about that Ferrari dude? Let's say he paid $120,000 for that car – he had to, given the time I saw him driving it. Let's also say that he kept it for… I don't know, how about three years? That means he paid about $40,000 per year for using that car. If that was 4% of his salary, he was making $1 million per year.
So, if that guy was actually bringing in $1 million a year, that car had roughly the same percentage impact on his income that my father's Buick had on his $30,000 a year salary.
What if that guy owned a Buick like my father had? If it only cost him $1,200 a year, that means his car would only eat up 0.12% of the rich man's salary. For comparison's sake, that would be the same as only $36 to my father at that time.
You see, so much of what seems like wasteful spending by a rich person is often just a trivial part of their income.
Let's take a look at how the average American spends their paycheck. In 2013, the average American household earned about $63,000 and thus had about $51,000 to spend after taxes, according to this data. They spent like this:
- $9,004 was spent on transportation.
- $6,602 was spent on food, of which $3,977 was spent on food at home and $2,625 was spent eating out.
- $5,528 was spent on insurance and pensions.
- $1,604 was spent on apparel.
- $2,482 was spent on entertainment.
- $17,148 was spent on housing.
- $1,834 was spent on cash contributions.
- $3,631 was spent on health care.
- The remaining $3,267 was spent in other areas.
Now, let's look at that as a percentage.
- 17.6% was spent on transportation.
- 12.9% was spent on food, of which 7.8% was spent on food at home and 5.1% was spent eating out.
- 10.8% was spent on insurance and pensions.
- 3.1% was spent on apparel.
- 4.9% was spent on entertainment.
- 33.6% was spent on housing.
- 3.6% was spent on cash contributions.
- 7.1% was spent on healthcare.
- The remaining 6.4% was spent in other areas.
Flickr / Kevin Harber
Now, let's assume that someone brings home $1 million per year lived by the exact same percentage budget as the average American. Here's how that person would spend their money.
- $176,000 was spent on transportation.
- $129,000 was spent on food, of which $78,000 was spent on food at home and $51,000 was spent eating out.
- $108,000 was spent on insurance and pensions.
- $31,000 was spent on apparel.
- $49,000 was spent on entertainment.
- $336,000 was spent on housing.
- $36,000 was spent on cash contributions.
- $71,000 was spent on healthcare.
- The remaining $64,000 was spent in other areas.
That's how a person bringing home a million bucks a year would spend their money if they subscribed to the exact same budget as the average American. A person prioritizing their spending like that is prioritizing in the exact same way the average American is, just with a bigger income to spend.
So, that guy who strolled out of my father's factory and hopped into a Ferrari is doing exactly what a normal American would do if they earned a large income. That person wasn't being wasteful by the standards of the budget of the average American.
So, what's the point here? There are a few messages you can take home from this.
First, rich people only seem wasteful with their money if we apply different budget standards to them than we apply to ourselves. Let me show you what I mean as an example.
In an average year, it's probably reasonable to think that we spend 15% of our income on transportation, for example. We have a seven-year-old Prius and an 11-year-old Honda Pilot and neither one is getting replaced soon. On the other hand, a person with $1 million to spend that spends 15% of their income on transportation could own things like a brand new Escalade, a BMW, and a Tesla S-Series to boot, all at once.
Does that seem over the top? Probably. Is there some gut feeling that the rich person should be doing something else with their money? Sure. But in doing that, we are expecting that rich person to spend a lower percentage of their income on transportation than we do.
You can do the same thing with a rich person's housing expenses, their entertainment expenses, and so on. Their expenses seem over the top, but to expect that rich person to change things means that we're expecting that rich person to budget differently than us.
But let's flip that on its head. Let's look at a person making minimum wage, 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. That person is making $14,500 per year and, most likely, bringing home almost all of it. Let's look at that person's budget if they match up to the "average American's budget":
$2,552 was spent on transportation – about $200 a month to fill up a car, maintain it, repair it, and replace it, or to ride mass transit and go without a car.
$1,870 was spent on food – about $150 a month.
$1,566 was spent on insurance and pensions – honestly, they probably scavenge out of this portion out of necessity, but this would cover car insurance and renter's insurance.
$449 was spent on apparel – about $37 a month to keep shirts, shoes, socks, underwear, and pants on a person all year round.
$710 was spent on entertainment – about $60 a month.
$4,872 was spent on housing – about $400 a month. For housing.
$522 was spent on cash contributions, $1,029 was spent on healthcare, and the remaining $928 was spent in other areas.
That's extremely tight for most people, without much breathing room, right? Here's the thing – a lot of people make it on a budget like this. Those people who do look at the budget of the average American, and how they choose to spend their money, as simultaneously desirable and wasteful — much as the average American looks at the spending of the person bringing home $1 million a year.
Yet, underneath that, all of them are basically operating with the same percentages for their budgets. It's pretty much the same budget – the only difference is income.
Matthew DeBord/Business Insider
That's why, looking back, that rich guy in that Ferrari outside of my father's factory makes complete sense to me. He was, in many ways, budgeting his money exactly like my parents did. He had a Ferrari because it was inside that 15% or so of his income that went to transportation.
That's why I'm not surprised when I read articles about how people with large incomes have a difficult time making ends meet. They're using effectively the same budget as everyone else, dividing up their money in the same way, and it just doesn't add up.
It doesn't matter how much you make. If you spend money like the average American, you're going to struggle. Period.
That's why, if you want to change your outcomes, if you want to have the kind of financial freedoms that everyone else has, you have to spend differently than the average American. You can't follow that recipe. That spending recipe for the average American won't get you there.
So, where and how are you going to step away from that average American budget? Are you going to spend less on transportation? Maybe you'll ride mass transit instead of having a car. Or, maybe you'll spend less on housing and live in a little apartment.
By stepping away from that average budget, you gain something that the average American doesn't have: freedom. You're planting a seed of freedom from all of the pressures and hard choices of your day-to-day life, and as you feed it by staying away from that average budget, you're watching that seed grow and grow until, one day, you don't need that job anymore. You can set your own rules.
Dave Ramsey really puts it well when he says, "You have to live like no one else so that you can live like no one else."
Choose differently today so that you can live differently tomorrow. It works whether you're the average American, the person earning a million a year, or the person barely making it. Choose differently than what you see in that average budget. Choose differently than what you see your neighbors choosing.
And, sooner than you think, you'll have options they can scarcely dream of.
Read the original article on The Simple Dollar. Copyright 2015. Follow The Simple Dollar on Twitter.
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