6 Tips for getting what you want from life
Are you getting what you want from life? The fact that you are reading this article would seem to suggest that although you may be getting some of what you want from life, you are not getting everything that you want from life. If you are not getting what you want from life, you need to take some action and, change some of your behaviours. If you do not change something then nothing will change. It is highly unlikely that you will wake up some morning to find that some magic fairy has changed everything and you suddenly start getting what you want from life.
Tips for getting what you want from life
Depending on what you want to get from life, you will need to take some specific actions. However, there are some steps that you can take which will quickly increase your chances of getting what you want from life.
1. Stop thinking that others are different
Have you ever had the thought that everyone else gets what he or she wants, except for me? If you think like that, you are experiencing a thinking error. Thinking that way causes you to think that others are better, luckier or more talented than you. You then think that the problem, and the ability to address it, lies outside of your control. The truth is that if somebody is getting better results than you; it is because they are doing something different than you. If you can find out what they are doing and, do it to the same standard, you will experience the same results.
Rather than be bitter or jealous towards those who are getting better results, you can choose to learn from them. Study their behaviour; in some cases you will just be able to ask them what they do. Learn what it is that they do to get the results that you desire and implement it.
There are several ways to get what you really want in your life and negative, disempowering thoughts are not one of them.
2. Accept responsibility
As in the point above, it is easier to blame circumstances that lie outside of your control. If you believe that there is nothing that you can do then you don’t have to do anything. That is not being honest with yourself; it is allowing yourself to be governed by fear. If you study successful people you will see one great quality that they all share – they accept total responsibility for the outcomes that they achieve in their life. When something does not go their way, they identify what they can do differently and work on it.
Being responsible may not sound like a whole lot of fun, but it greatly improves your chances of getting what you want from life. When you take responsibility for your life and stop blaming circumstances or, worse, yet, other people, you will see how your life moves in the direction that you desire. Accepting responsibility for your life is not just important; it is essential for success and happiness.
3. Take action
Having ambitious dreams for your life is wonderful. It is a pleasurable experience to sit back and dream about the life that you want but, unless you get up off your backside and take action; the dream will never be anything more than a dream. Rather than always thinking about what you want, take some action to move yourself towards it. When you take action you become clearer about what you want and more motivated to make it happen.
It is understandable that in some cases you may be delaying action due to uncertainty but the cure for uncertainty is action. You don’t have to jump recklessly into a new pursuit; you can dip your toe in the water to lean more. As you become more immersed in your new circumstances, you will be better able to determine if it is the right course of action or not e.g. If you want to change careers, you could take a class or two to see if your new career is something that you want to pursue.
No matter what it is you want to do, action is necessary. Where necessary, feel free to indulge in baby steps. Any steps are better than no steps at all.
4. Think positively
When negative things happen to you, and they will, it is easy to be overcome by negativity. However, negativity can block your ability to view situations objectively and think creatively. Getting what you want from life requires that you learn to deal with setbacks effectively. You don’t have to be unrealistically positive (i.e. deluded) but you do need to be able to stem the tide of negativity and believe in your ability to solve problems.
5. Be grateful
Let’s look at this from a selfish point of view. If you do a favour for a friend and, that friend does not appear to be grateful for your help, how inclined will you be to help them the next time that they are in need. Now, you may ignore a lack of gratitude once or twice but if it is a constant thing, you are eventually going to get fed up helping this friend. People love to help others and they are usually happy to do so (where possible) but if you never display or communicate any gratitude, you may soon find yourself short of people who will help you along your path.
In addition, being grateful allows you to see and appreciate all the opportunities that life has to offer. In his wonderful book ‘The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind'; Dr. Richard Wiseman conducted several experiments that showed how positive people were better able to see opportunities to improve their situation. Being grateful for all of the good in your life is one excellent way to experience this positivity. Again, you are not asked to be unrealistic but too many people focus only on their negative experiences.
6. Be focused
If you have a big goal, the next step is an action plan with small steps. These steps should require regular action. By focusing on and taking small, consistent steps towards your goal; you make getting what you want from life less overwhelming. Rather than be overwhelmed by the big picture, these small directed steps allow you to make progress each day, safe in the knowledge that you are moving closer to your goal. Including a regular review of your progress will allow you to identify anywhere that you may have strayed off course. You can then make the necessary changes to get back on track.
If you are unclear as to what you want from life, you can learn to set and pursue effective goals with the Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting.
There is nothing wrong with getting what you want from life. Getting what you want or, pursuing what you want is not selfish or greedy, unless you are trying to deny others their rights. While it is pleasant to sit back and dream of a better life, dreaming alone is not a successful strategy for getting what you want from life. You need to take action and develop the appropriate mindset. While the exact steps that you need to take will depend on the exact nature of what you want; there are some common steps which you can take to set you on the right path. If you implement these steps; getting what you want from life will move from the realm of dreams to the realm of distinct possibilities.
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